Sitemap - 2022 - Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition

Legal cases: Liberty Counsel & Griner MD

Die Macht der Sprache

Australian Aviation Regulator: No risk assessment docs exist re masks

The Power of Language

GAAC's Reply to Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority

QANTAS admits pilot and cabin crew sickness as cause of airline cancellations

Pellowe Talk LIVE | Aussie Pilots Sue Over Safety Concerns

Etana Hecht: "US Freedom Flyers: Safety & Liability"

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon & Dr. Lee Merritt discuss pilot vaccine injury

Five "Whys?" - Global government and airline lockstep leads to today's predictable outcome

GAAC's open letters to Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority

UK CAA begins stonewalling questions

Airliners for Humanity @ EU Parliament

EASA Zero Action, Blood Clots, Cover Up

GAAC is powering up on GETTR

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon: analysis of pilot deaths & interview

Christine Anderson MEP talks about pilot vaccine injury...

GAAC's open letters to UK Civil Aviation Authority

Urgent! Euro Parliament Conference. Today 7PM CET: Identity and Democracy Group Conference - "POST-VACCINE FLIGHT RISKS – Are you safe on board a plane?"

Article: Etana Hecht's "The Pilots: Australia"

Global Aviation: Prêt à voler ? Version complète en français

Pilot Greg Hill talks to Rebel News: GAAC's Questions to Regulator Transport Canada

Help Promote "Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?"

GAAC Partner HART Group UK

GAAC's Open Letter to the Federal Aviation Administration

NEWS: Pilot Vaccine Injury

Trailer - Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?

Captain Bob Snow - Cardiac arrest after landing

Global Aviation: Fit to Fly? Part 3

Global Aviation: Fit to Fly? Part 2

Global Aviation: Fit to Fly? Part 1

Global Aviation: Fit to Fly? (Full episode)

Global Aviation: "Have We Got Away With It?"

Transport Canada's Medical Safety Memory Hole

US Freedom Flyers - "Heroes" to "Furloughed"

GAAC's open letters to UK Civil Aviation Authority

Canadian pilot unions stonewalled warnings about vaccine health risks in pilots

GAAC's Open Letter to Transport Canada

Der Verband der niederländischen Fluglotsen (VNV) blockiert erfolgreich vorgeschriebene Impfungen für neue Piloten

L'Association néerlandaise des pilotes de ligne (VNV) bloque avec succès les vaccinations obligatoires pour les nouveaux pilotes

Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers (VNV) blokkeert met succes verplichte vaccinaties voor nieuwe piloten

Dutch Airline Pilots Association (VNV) successfully blocks mandated vaccinations for new pilots

Les syndicats de pilotes canadiens ont ignoré les avertissements sur les risques sanitaires des vaccins pour les pilotes

Canadese pilotenvakbonden negeerden waarschuwingen over gezondheidsrisico's van vaccins voor piloten

Kanadische Pilotengewerkschaften ignorierten Gesundheitsrisikowarnungen in dem Impfstoff, der sich jetzt in der realen Welt und durch #pfizerdump bewährt hat

Global Coalition Statement: Commerciële Luchtvaart en Pilot Vaccine Injury 17/05/22

What Are They Hiding?— Dr. Malone on Pfizer Docs, Cardiotoxicity, Birth Defects, and All-Cause Mortality

Was verbergen sie? – Dr. Malone über Pfizer Docs, Kardiotoxizität, Geburtsfehler und Gesamtmortalität

Wat verbergen ze? — Dr. Malone over Pfizer-documenten, cardiotoxiciteit, geboorteafwijkingen en sterfte door alle oorzaken

Que cachent-ils ?— Malone Pfizer Docs, cardiotoxicité, malformations congénitales et mortalité toutes causes confondues

John Pierce Law for US Freedom Flyers (USFF) files lawsuit against Atlas Air over Covid mandates

John Pierce Law for US Freedom Flyers (USFF) reicht Klage gegen Atlas Air wegen Covid-Mandaten ein

John Pierce Law pour US Freedom Flyers (USFF) intente une action en justice contre Atlas Air pour les mandats de Covid

Captain Bob Snow, former American Airlines pilot: "We have been relegated to the status of collateral damage."

Josh Yoder, US Freedom Flyers : "La FAA ne va pas se présenter et dire : 'Hé, nous avons fait une erreur et nous allons nous assurer de réparer [la blessure du vaccin pilote]'."

Josh Yoder, US Freedom Flyers: "The FAA is not going to come forward and say, 'Hey, we made a mistake and we’re going to make sure that we fix [pilot vaccine injury]'."

Coalition mondiale pour la défense de l'aviation

About Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition

Erklärung der Global Coalition: Kommerzielle Luftfahrt und Piloten mit Impfverletzungen

Déclaration de la Coalition mondiale : l'aviation commerciale et les blessures causées par les vaccins des pilotes 17/05/22

Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition Statement: Commercial Aviation and Pilot Vaccine Injury 17/05/22

Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition

Über die Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition

Conseils informels pour les personnes susceptibles d'avoir subi une blessure due au vaccin Covid-19

Informal guidance for people who may have sustained Covid-19 vaccine injury

Informelle Anleitung für Personen, die möglicherweise eine Impfverletzung durch Covid-19 erlitten haben

Informele begeleiding voor mensen die mogelijk Covid-19 vaccinschade hebben opgelopen