What Are They Hiding?— Dr. Malone on Pfizer Docs, Cardiotoxicity, Birth Defects, and All-Cause Mortality
Global Covid Summit's Dr. Robert Malone on American Thought Leaders
Dr. Robert Malone’s latest interview on American Thought Leaders provides an update on the data, analysis and knowledge from the Pfizer documents that the company and the FDA tried to bury from public scrutiny for 75 years.
One should remember the journey that we have been on to date, when it comes to the suppression of medical debate around the globe.
Doctors like Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, Richard Urso, Richard Fleming, Simone Gold, and many more were marginalized, labelled as right-wing extremists and worse, all for doing what Doctors should do: analyse, critique, and apply what they know to practise safe, effective medicine.
Time and weight of evidence from all corners of medical and scientific research have shown that these and many more marginalized doctors who did the right and brave thing - speak out - were right. Part of the vindication comes from Pfizer itself, as its Covid-19 vaccine data and documents are forced into the light at a rate of 80,000 pages per month by court order.
If the notion of nothing to fear, nothing to hide is a mantra that global citizens should be made to trust and abide by, one must ask the question, why does this not apply to the manufacturers of Covid-19 vaccines?
Watch Dr. Malone provide some insight into just some of what Pfizer wanted to hide from you all - the forced, coerced and “encouraged” consumers of their record-breaking, experimental revenue stream:
What are they hiding.... EVERYTHING!
Why have the COVID jabs caused over 28,000 deaths and 1.26 million adverse reactions?
Discover what is really happening &
how to reverse the damage…
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