Transport Canada's Medical Safety Memory Hole
If the rules get in the way, flush the rules down the hole.
Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.
George Orwell
It should come as no surprise to most right-minded people that it is unlikely to be a good idea for those who work in real-time safety critical jobs to do them while under “the” influence, possibly even “an” influence.
Quelle surprise then that pilots are heavily restricted in the medication they can take while flying and most of it needs to be declared to the regulator’s medical authority.
In the case of Transport Canada, it sensibly stated that:
it remains the general position of TC CAM that participation in medical trials is not considered compatible with aviation medical certification.
Makes sense, right? For at least two reasons:
Any effect of the trial, known or unknown, on pilot performance in short, medium or long term is best avoided.
Why someone would be engaging in a medical trial - medical need (no better options than to trial something) or some other reason. If you are ill enough to consider a medical trial, you’re probably not fit enough to go flying anyway.
Up until July 2021, that was the stated position of Transport Canada, as the screenshot of its website proves.
Note the source of the webpage - the internet archive/wayback machine.
In July 2021, multiple serious questions were being asked of TC’s stance on the (still) experimental and trialled Covid-19 “vaccines”. Multiple parties including pilots and external scientists and doctors were pointing out that the “vaccines” were still in trial until 2023-ish and were not approved. In Canada at that time they were approved under Interim Order, which is similar to US EUA and UK CMA i.e. not fully approved.
This rule that pilots and air traffic controllers (who all hold medical certificates) was inconvenient to Transport Canada and the government of Canada. So they did the right thing.
They switched on the memory hole and they literally flushed that rule.
This shows snapshot activity of the internet archive.
Look at changes to the page and you will see this pesky rule literally be deleted.
Here’s how the page looked on July 21st, while the “vaccines” were still under Interim Order:
Transport Canada just deleted the rule.
Now, pilots are suddenly unrestricted from taking experimental “vaccines” that are still all in clinical trial; they should stop asking questions about a rule that doesn’t exist anymore; they are all apparently free to engage in (other) clinical trials and still go flying.
If there’s one thing that you should make sure you get this Black Friday, it’s your very own Memory Hole.
If you still believe there's no evil agenda behind all of this, you must be blind and deaf.
Look away! No agenda to see here!