It's not enough below the scheme’s maximum of CAN$284,000. It should be at least one million dollars. We are talking about a life injury. Try to sue those crooks at the head of those companies. They will only understand that way.

I wonder if it's possible to sue personally Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It would be less arrogant the day that he would receive a subponea to appear in court an explain the ¨why¨ in front a lawyer!

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$1M is still far too low. Even a mid-seniority legacy airline pilot makes upwards of $250k per year. A pilot with a decade or two until mandatory retirement at age 65 deserves $2.5M - $5M minimum just for lost wages alone. Add in punitive damages and pain and suffering, and you're talking $10M or more. And this should be paid by the airlines that forced them to get the shots. Compensation from the government is just stealing from other victims to pay victims.

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I totally agree. This is why I wrote at least one million and yes it should be paid by the airlines and not from the tax payers.

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Thank you for this roundup. It's ugly, but the information is valuable, as is the work you're doing.

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